Album Reviews

                                                Album  Reviews

On this page there will be posted various quotes and reviews from blogs, magazines, websites and the like.  Scroll down page to find what they are saying about our album.  Some will be short blurbs and others will be more in depth pieces.  Let us know what you think about it in our comments section and we might post your opinions too!
Blog Quotes

Editor's note about music blogs: they are not what is traditionally regarded as music reviewers. For the most part they are not journalists, reporters or beat writers. They are normally private individuals who start a blog of their own to gain attention and followers on the internet. While they are not all the same, as in many other cases in life the bad ones shed a negative light on all of them, unfortunately. Most quotes from the independent bloggers will be short and to the point. Fortunately there are a few that will be more involved and written in a more professional manner.

 Olga from Queen Beetch blog:  "Lovely guitar, warm and cozy"

 From comeherefloyd blog:  "Was nice"

 From 'We All Want Something To Shout For' blog:  "Good guitar work and production"

 From mp3hugger blog:  "It would take a hard hearted music lover not to like your music because it is well conceived and dripping in nostalgia. You are obviously fine musicians. Makes for a big sound, and with a voice that could hold the attention..such are it's world experienced tones"

 Edward Bignar from Pop Occulture blog:  "It's a well performed track" (song one on the CD)

 Jesse Gilmore from Santa Rosa Records blog:  "Cool stuff"

 From ObscureSound blog;  "Polished rock sound is a pleasant listen"

 From Ola's Kool Kitchen blog:  "Well produced"

 mattsimonettg from Ear To The Ground Music blog;  "Appreciate the classic rock style"

From Americana Highways blog: "I really like this. If you have an upcoming album let me know"  (reviewed one song)

From Digital Tour Bus blog: "Really dug the guitar tone"

*Rock The Pigeon Music Blog:  Added "Where I'm Not Wanted" to their Spotify playlist and a blog post review on their site.
  --Links moved to Review section (#4)

 This section will contain reviews from websites, magazines and other sources that fit the traditional model of music reviews. Done for the most part by writers, music journalists, musicians, producers and other people in the music industry.

1. Album review by Peter Vidaldi for
Click here, then on link
2. Album review by Jer for
3. Album review by Dave Franklin for
4. Album review and Spotify playlist by Ryan Cassata for Rock The Pigeon music blog (
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